Finding a better “Lab”―to cook the Product!

There are a lot of debates and arguments on selecting the best operating system out of Windows, Linux and OSx. Various people come-up with a bunch of reasons to convince that they have made the wisest decision while selecting their Operating systems. When one person keep saying that his/her OS is the best one, the other person says that his/her OS is even better.
―If such a one best OS really exists, why wouldn’t all the people around the world, choose that (best) OS and stay with it?
Perhaps such a one best OS really doesn’t exist: and the factors that decide the best (or most appropriate) OS for a particular person always depend on how that person intends to use a computer and what he/she is willing to do with a computer.

When this is applied to my situation, I touched a computer for the first time in 1997, and then I learnt a few commands of MS-DOS. Frankly, more than being ignorant of what those commands really do, I didn’t understand why would a person keep typing such commands on an ugly black and white console, and what would someone really gain by listing the files or a set of directories on it. But that is how we all begin to learn things, and with the time we begin to love those things.

However, I did not like MS-DOS very much then―but later, began to love Computers when I started to play the computer game called Commandos on a Windows 98 machine, with one of my school time friends. Just like that―thanks to Windows 98, I started my life with a Computer. Therefore, I still do respect Microsoft Windows Operating Systems for being such an OS for such a long time, which is easier reached by an average user. When I wanted a document typed it was available on Windows. When I wanted to connect to the Internet, it was available on Windows. When I wanted to play a computer game I loved, it was also available on Windows. Most of the third parties provide support for Windows with their tooling and drivers―therefore, I would recommend Windows Operating Systems ( not Win-ME, Vista, you know why :p ) to anybody―including my wife—who wishes to get regular things done, without much of effort.

I used a Mac Mini for some time with OS-x Lion installed on it. Some people mentioned that MacOSx was more stabler than any Windows or Linux OS, and was much user friendly. It indeed has a beautiful UI, and has a lot of cool applications provided within, such as Airdrop. Perhaps, on an expensive Macbook Pro or on an expensive Mac Pro, it would be felt like much stabler than Windows 7 or any Linux OS. But on that Mac Mini with Intel core i5 processor, 4GB of RAM and 500GB of Hard Disk Space; it wasn’t any better than the HP machine that I used then with Windows 7 installed; which had an Intel core2-duo processor, 3GB of RAM, and 520GB of HDD space. Specially, that MacMini gave me a lot of troubles by getting stuck while I was running only Photoshop CS5 and Xcode on it.

Choices : Windows, Linux and MacOSx I chose to stay with Linux, because of a few reasons.
  1. Linux is free and open source
  2. Programmer friendly
  3. Customizable
  4. Performs well on any average PC.
  5. When you are familiar with an OS that is available everywhere for free―it’s just a matter of downloading and installing it, when you need to do something on a PC.
When it came to Linux, I had to make a “Choice” again!

Choices : Ubuntu, Mint and Others

I see LINUX as kind of a “Vamanos pest” based lab
(in Breaking Bad)
I used Ubuntu for a long time. Especially, I loved the version 9.04 “Jaunty Jackalope“. But when the unity desktop was arriving I felt somewhat restricted, even if I loved the 'Change'.

Then I moved to Linux Mint, when one of my friends recommended it. It was really great and I didn’t face much of problems. Later I heard about the Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE), and learnt that it is more stabler than the Ubuntu based Mint distributions.

Then I tried LMDE, and it was truly performing the better. More than the quality of being stable and performing better, I loved it for being version-less. Because of this reason, all the new features and improvements kept flowing to my PC, without re-installs or major updates. Most of the required tools were well supported by LMDE, and I couldn’t find any better OS for me yet; because I would consider the LMDE as an all-rounder when it comes to matters such as freedom, usability, customization, performance, look and feel and tool support.

So I chose, the LMDE.

Even after the scope of choice was narrowed to LMDE, I had to make a “Choice” again!!

Choices : Gnome, Mate, and Cinnamon

This totally depended on User Experience and how my eyes would see things. Both Gnome and Mate are known to perform very well, even on a very old PC. However―In my case―I had some good hardware specification on my Laptop. Therefore, I didn’t have to worry about the performance and speed/latency related matters. All I had to think about was the accessibility, user experience and the attractiveness of the Desktop.

For me, the “Cinnamon” desktop was “Choice”. I loved it then, and I still love that Desktop. It’s look and feel and the user friendliness was not any lesser than Windows 7 or MacOSx Lion―and that’s how I became a fan of the “Cinnamon Desktop Environment”.

Linux mint Debian, with Cinnamon Desktop Environment

Therefore, please note that I―hereafter, when describe something technical―will always be referring to a Computer that runs Linux Mint Debian Edition together with Cinnamon Desktop Environment on it.

When I install LMDE on any PC, there are several things that I do, right after the installation process completes. The very first thing is nothing else than updating the OS. This usually takes a few minutes, but I always like to make sure that my OS installation is 100% complete and, that I am having the latest updates on my PC; before moving ahead. When the update process completes, I install most of the software tools, that would be used with software development.

Since this post was mostly about selecting an appropriate Operating System, I will be composing another post having described the installation processes of the software development related tools and utilities. In that article, I will mention about my writing style, and my objective and the reason for presenting facts in such a manner as well.

See you until then!!!
